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Miercuri, 2 decembrie 2009, la orele 17.00, la Muzeul ,,George Enescu", vă invităm la vernisajul expoziţiei
Laureaţi ai Premiului Naţional de Compoziţie „George Enescu” – Dinu Lipatti
2 - 18 decembrie 2009
Expoziţia cuprinde mărturii in imagini ale vieţii şi creaţiei muzicianului Dinu Lipatti. Documentele provin din colecţia particulară Dragoş Tănăsescu, precum şi din arhivele instituţiilor: Casa memorială ,,Dinu Lipatti”- Fundăţeanca, jud. Argeş, Muzeul Naţional “George Enescu, Uniunea Compozitorilor şi Muzicologilor din România, Biblioteca Academiei Române.
Parcurgem datele biografiei lui Dinu Lipatti, ascultăm înregistrările sau muzica sa şi realizăm că el reprezintă un model de om şi de artist, din acelea care apar foarte rar pe lume. Copil născut cu daruri muzicale ieşite din comun, s-a dezvoltat rapid, dobândind o maturitate neobişnuită, o profunzime şi o virtuozitate ce aveau să-l plaseze printre cei mai mari pianişti ai secolului XX. A avut parte de îndrumările unor pedagogi de seamă, români şi străini, s-a bucurat de prietenia şi aprecierile elogioase ale unor personalităţi de elită ale vieţii muzicale internaţionale. Olga Grigorescu, consultant ştiinţific
Expoziţie realizată de:
Olga Grigorescu, consultant ştiinţific
Cristina Andrei, muzeograf
Aurelian Popovici,grafician
Traduceri ale catalogului, în limbile engleză şi franceză:
Alis Vasile, muzeograf
Mariana Petrescu, consilier relaţii cu publicul
În seara deschiderii expoziţiei, invitaţii vor avea ocazia să participe la alte două evenimente conexe:
Lansarea volumului
Dinu Lipatti. Creaţia pentru pian solo de VINICIU MOROIANU
Recitalul de pian VINICIU MOROIANU
În program lucrări de: J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach-F. Busoni, D. Lipatti şi G.Enescu
Vă aşteptăm cu drag! Intrarea este liberă.
2nd-18th December 2009
Vernissage: 2nd December 2009
Location: Cantacuzino Palace Hall,141, Calea Victoriei, sector 1, Bucharest
by Olga Grigorescu,
scientific consultant
By reviewing the biography of Dinu Lipatti, by listening to his recordings or music, we learn that he represents a role model as a human being and as an artist, one of the very rare role models in this world.
A prodigy child gifted with an outstanding musical talent, he evolved rapidly to an uncommon maturity, to such profoundness and virtuosity that placed him among the greatest piano players of the 20th century. He benefitted from the guidance of notable Romanian and foreign teachers, he enjoyed the friendship and the laudatory appreciations of personalities from the international musical elite.
Lipatti built for himself a modern perspective on the interpretative art, setting down a perfect equilibrium between rigor and freedom, between lucidity and inspiration, everything based on respect towards the musical text. With a special premonition, Walter Legge, the manager of the “Columbia”, the notorious company, convinced Lipatti, during his last years of life, to record his favourite works by Bach, Scarlatti, Mozart, Chopin, Schubert, Liszt, Ravel. These recordings remained essential, basic versions of these works, still arousing the same vivid fascination. Unfortunately, these recordings are only few of the very vast repertoire approached by Lipatti; and this is due to the extreme self-exigency of the pianist. He did not allow himself to present a piece of music to the public or to fix it on a disc unless he had deeply studied the work, sometimes for years and unless he had not felt that he had truly found the meanings of the music and he had found the exact ways of rendering it.
His second great passion, composition, brought him three distinctions in the “George Enescu” Competition, proving that his works were important contributions to Romanian music, on the way of finding original solutions.
Appointed professor of the virtuosity class of the Geneva Conservatory, Lipatti tried to pass to his disciples the high moral and artistic principles that guided him. Taking over his musical teachings, admiring, at the same time, his dignity in facing the sufferance, his nobleness and courage in fighting his illness, Lipatti’s students stated that the privilege of meeting him decisively marked their existences.
The personality of the Romanian musician provoked lifelong passions among the music lovers. Just two examples: Dr. Mark Gertsch from Berne, Switzerland, owner of small museum with objects that belonged to the great artist and Mark Ainley, from Canada, who discovered several unpublished recordings of Lipatti and who edited them, together with Werner Unger, at “Archiphon” company, continuously searching for other “lost” recordings.
We would also like to mention the „Dinu Lipatti – Dubois Ferrière” Foundation (the latest was the doctor who stood by the artist until the last moments of his life), established shortly after the musician’s death, that is organizing, every two years, concerts at Victoria Hall in Geneva, raising funds for the benefit of people suffering from leukaemia.
It is not by chance that Lipatti was considered a “spiritual son” of the great Enescu; their relationship grew strong by exemplary collaborations, by mutual appreciation and affection. Both of them become symbols of the Romanian art, due to the fact that, as Mihail Jora said, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Lipatti’s birth, in 1967, “... a fortunate coincidence made that on this country’s ground two great artists were born, at 36 years distance, with different social backgrounds, but with identical qualities: the same modesty, the same strength in working, the same creative power, the same enormous love for art that they piously served. Therefore, we should honour the memory of George Enescu and Dinu Lipatti!”
Organizing team:
Olga Grigorescu, musicologist&scientific consultant
Cristina Andrei, curator
Aurelian Popovici, graphic design
Translation in English & French:
Alis Vasile, curator
Mariana Petrescu, PR
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